Author Archives: jkadoko

Bicycle dynamics

Bike dynamics modelling

Bike dynamics modelling

I modeled bicycle dynamics in MATLAB Simulink (SimMechanics a.k.a. Simscape Multibody) as part of a group. Through this project, I developed a strong appreciation of systematic approach when it comes to modelling dynamics problems. I used:

  • MotionGenesis software and its associated books – written by Paul Mitiguy
  • MATLAB tool called SimMechanics
  • Inventor to sketch, and generate 3D drawings for SimMechanics
  • Hand calculations

I suggest the above-mentioned books for anyone thinking of modelling dynamics of mechanical systems. One should be prepared for painstaking work to achieve an accurate models.

Always start from the basics, I made a lot of hand-drawings and fully defined my variables before committing to using the software. The software has a stiff learning curve, but quite useful. At some point in your model, you will no longer be able to keep track of the math by hand; that is where MotionGenesis comes in – it enables you to solve complicated  dynamics problems analytically.

On the other hand, once you go through the SimMechanics route, you will not have to deal with a lot of the math, but it is still critical to solve or partially solve the problem analytically for validation reasons.

Screenshot of AutoCAD Inventor environment.

Screenshot of AutoCAD Inventor environment.


Screenshot of MATLAB and SimMechanics environment.

Screenshot of MATLAB and SimMechanics environment.



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